Welcome to 2009. Last night the HMLC Nucleus (minus Angry Bob who was temporarily deported north of the border to his Motherland) gathered and celebrated the New Year of many different countries every hour, on the hour, all the while spreading our Latin Cheer! We hope that your celebration was as festive as ours.
Big things are in store this upcoming year and we hope you will all be on board for our journey. What kind of things you ask? Well, first and foremost, we are working on a plan for World Peace, which is a subsidiary project of our "Spread the Love Foundation". Stay tuned for more on that.
There will also be a shift in the editing of the book for our next issue. Larry "L-Dogg" Reynosa will be returning to the frontlines of the publishing/editing side of the book, with Canada's own "Angry Bob" Bowen co-helming the project and adopting the title "Editor-In-Chief". Utilizing his furious disposition, Bob is quoted as saying "J. Jonah Jameson is gonna seem like Mahatma Ghandi compared to me." Remember Bob, this is Hot Mexican LOVE.
Why the shift in control? The reasons are varied, but mostly, to devote time to my upcoming nuptuals. And after three consecutive years of donating our spare time to passion, Albert "Beanrobot" Calleros and myself could use a break. (Albert can also use a date after the rejection he got at the pub last night. NO LADIES, he IS NOT impotent.)
Looking back at the past few years, they've been good. I will miss heralding the book this season. I will also miss the holiday glasses people wear on New Years since 2000. You know the ones, where the lenses are put in the centered, double zero slots. It will be another 900 years 'til society gets to enjoy those again.
I will continue to do some posts here now and again, so stay tuned. May your New Year be a joyous one filled with Amor, Besos Y Pasion (I know mine will be).
And look for "Hot Mexican Love Comics 2009" coming this July.
Viva Romance,
Senor Ira
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