Saturday, May 2, 2009

MORE Love around the world

Happy May Lovers!

Team Sherak is back from its world travels and happy to show the Love has spread even further. Pictured is my wife in the historic city of Edinburgh, Scotland, with its famous castle high in the background.

Now, although I admit to keeping a copy of the most passionate comic-anthology on the shelves today with me at most times. The photo is being posted to prove one of its other features (aside from enhancing the passion in your life). It was approx. 40 degrees F at the time this photo was taken (note my wife's apparel). And at this point, she was not carrying the book to show off our location, but to keep warm! If you're reading this, you know how much heat this book radiates!

Many of our loyal readers already know of the magical properties contained within our home-brewed literature. But here is some non-photoshopped proof of why people should keep a copy of Hot Mexican Love Comics with them at all times.

Keep spreading the love amigos,
Senor Ira

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