Saturday, July 12, 2008

LARRY REYNOSA named Webmaster / Webeditor-In-Chief© of the HMLC website

Let it be known that Larry Clark Reynosa is taking over as the Webmaster / Webeditor-In-Chief© of the HMLC website. Larry said that he will "Bring HMLC into the modern age of Dreamweaver, as it was built with the now-extinct GoLive programme, and I will EXPAND THE WEB PRESENCE of Hot Mexican Love Comics across many internet, usenet and other friendly channels using my proven experience of over 10 years at".

I congratulate you, L Clark Reynosa: the job of Webmaster / Webeditor-In-Chief© is filled with passion, glory and women. Don't let it taint you with its wicked charms. Stay the course, my friend, and the course will stay with you.

-Albert J Calleros

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