Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Evolution of a Cover

Hola Amigos

Well, we are just two weeks away from Comic-Con 2010,
so I thought it would be a good time to reveal the cover for our next pulse-pounding edition:

We think it is "Outta this World!"

We can't thank the Artist/Contributor/Mexican-Lover, Paul Wee, enough for painting another spectacular image to grace the cover of our book. So in honor of Paul, I thought it'd be nice to show a few of the steps it took to create the oven mitt that holds in all the heat.

It all starts with a discussion between Paul and the Editor-In-Chief (that would be me, Senor Ira) about what we'd like to show and what Paul would like to paint. As the E-I-C, priority one is having an image to catch the eye of people walking by our book (or booth as it may be). Our book title contains it all: our lifestyle, credo, attitude. One would think with a title like that you might not need an image, just text. But it is our image that speaks to the illiterate, for even those remedially challenged can speak the international language of Love.

Paul had requested to doing something with a "Pulp Novel" feel to it, a bit retro. Maybe a crime scene. I mentioned that I was thinking about something with an "Outer Space" feel, and perhaps we could combine the two. Well, Paul LOVED the idea and immediately drew up some concepts to play around with. The first two were basic space ideas with strong silhouttes of a sexy Latina:

But the third concept is what really got the ball rolling:
HML planting a flag for interplanetary love had a nice feel to it. Outer Space with some lovelorn Aliens added a touch of whimsey. Paul then fleshed out some other poses and ideas for the nucleus to look over.
Beanrobot saw these and said "That pose with her ass is the $#!t"
I agreed. Even the Lady Janice said "I like the one with the girl showing her tushy". But we also wanted to show more of outer space, and maybe a planet. To which Paul combined all the elements for this sketch:
And thus, we had our cover sketch! I gave Paul the green light to move forward and paint the cover.

As much as I like to control various aspects of the book, I always want the contributors to have fun and be proud of what they are creating. I like to keep things within a certain guideline for our style and I'm happy to toss ideas around with them. But ultimately, it is the artists name that goes on the final piece and I want them to do it as much for themselves as they are for the whole of the book.

If you'd like to see more of Paul's work and possibly meet the man himself, he will be on hand at Comic-Con this year at
the Red Eye Art table: D04

He will have his own sketchbooks available there and will also be willing to sign your copies of Hot Mexican Love Comics!

See you soon Lovers!

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